Every time we face problem of passing multiple value in store procedure to perform the following task
1) Multiple insert in table
2) Select multiple rows using in-clause at where condition
3) Delete multiple rows
Here I am writing some very good code to pass multiple value in store procedure using xml string which is much faster and we can pass a large value having multiple rows and column some time using Gridview and other similar control.
Convert Datatable/Dataset to XML string
public string DataTableToXML(DataTable table)
StringWriter xml = new StringWriter();
string xmldata = string.Empty;
table.TableName = "journal";
xmldata = xml.ToString();
return xmldata;
Handling of XML string inside Store procedure/Query
Pass this xml string in your store procedure and handle this string in your SP by as following code given
Create procedure handlexml(@journalstring varchar(1000))
/*declare @journalstring varchar(2000)='<DocumentElement>
</DocumentElement>' */
Suppose your string is xml element/Node and coming as above format
DECLARE @hDoc int
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @hDoc OUTPUT,
---------------------------------------------For XML Element--------------------------
SELECT jrnlfk,orderfk
FROM OPENXML(@hdoc, 'DocumentElement/journal',3)
WITH (jrnlfk int,
orderfk int)
-----------------------------------For XML Attribute--------------------------
declare @journalstring varchar(2000)='<Journal>
<remit journalfk="165" orderno="25"/>
<remit journalfk="197" orderno="15"/>
FROM OPENXML(@hdoc, 'Journal/remit', 2)
WITH (journal int '@journalfk',
orderno int '@orderno')
Hope this help you
Happy Programming
very useful article sir.........